Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yes, it's another fucking picture of my fucking dogs...yes, I'm really that pathetic....what of it?

I'm sorry, but this was so bloody cute, I just had to share. They're brothers and boyfriends. They looooooooooooooooooooove each other and they cuddle in the morning making it 10 trillion times harder to come to work than it already is. They're like little donuts.
Speaking of donuts. I was out way too late last night. Angie is playing bass in another band called Bronco and it was her first live show. I feel like of blubbering mommy, but she was such a champ. She sounded amazing.... she sounded amazing until close to 1 o'clock in the morning (mostly due to the longwinded-ness of the band that played before her)...and as we all know, this working mother of 5 beasts has to be in bed by 10:30 or she's asleep on the couch. Fuck you. I'm old.
So, this morning, in an effort to not fizzle out and die, I had three very steep cups of coffee. Oh, did I mention the on an empty stomach part? Yeah.
Coffee does to my stomach what Alien-acid does to a reinforced steel cargo deck. Needless to say, I'm a walking Tums-taker in a big ol' sweatshirt today.
Mother would be so proud.

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