Friday, February 18, 2005

Survey says! (a myspace survey)

[Marital Status] affianced or betrothed, if you prefer
[Shoe size] 6.5
[Parents still together] nope
[Siblings] Will and Katie
[Pets] Io, Nada & Klaus (the kitties) & Stanley (the puppy)

[Color] red, red, yellow, yellow, orange and green
[Number] 10...or 22
[Animal] next to cats and dogs, I'd say monkeys
[Drinks] water and that Strawberry Shortcake drink at the Spagooey Factory
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] oh, plenty of times
[Stolen anything?] yeah
[Held a gun] yeah
[Soda] diet dr. pepper, motherfuckers better step!
[Book] I just re-read Sarah Vowell's "Take the Canolli" and I laughed a lot, so I'll say that.[Flower] Star-gazer lillies

[Color your hair?] nope, though I'm considering highlights
[Twirl your hair?] uh, no
[Have tattoos?] nope
[Have Piercings?] boring ear piercings
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] I have a suiter, he's bona fide!
[Cheat on tests/homework?] not that I recall, no.
[Drink/Smoke?] a little a this and that/ no
[Like roller coasters?] sure
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sure, sometimes.
[Want more piercings?] not really
[Like cleaning?] I like the part when it's all done
[Write in cursive or print?] a little bit of both
[Sweat a lot?] not really
[Own a web cam?] nope
[Know how to drive?] yeah, but I can't find anything
[Diet?] nope
[Own a cell phone?] nope
[Ever get off the damn computer?] what are ya gonna do.

[Been in a fist fight?] yes.
[Been so drunk you forgot what happened the night before?] nope
[Considered a life of crime?] nope
[Considered being a hooker?] no (this survey is getting on my nerves though and someone in my office smells like lunch meat)
[Lied to someone?] sure
[Been in love?] yes
[Fallen for your best friend?] yes.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] no...because that's bullshit. If someone's tongue is in my mouth, we have officially crossed the "just friends" threshold.
[Been rejected?] constantly
[Been in lust?] When you cut me, do I not bleed?
[Used someone] not intentionally
[Been used?] HA!
[Been cheated on?] yep
[Been kissed?] oh, never. huh uh.

[Current clothing] Gatorland t-shirt, denim skirt with embroidery, black tights, black shoes, black hoodie.
[Current mood] kinda bored, kinda guilty for being so bored, kinda anxious
[Current taste] lunch meat. thanks olfactory system
[What you currently smell like] like this fancy "Dregs" perfume that Elena sent me and Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea hand lotion.
[Current hair] wet-ish and stupid
[Current thing I ought to be doing] working, probably.
[Current cds in stereo] The Dears
[Current crush] Lars and Stanley
[Last book you read] I don't read books anymore, just wedding magazines...ALL OF THEM
[Last movie you saw] Alien: Resurrection... ya know... deh..nevermind
[Last thing you ate] breakfast bar that lars made (peanut butter+ honey+ oats +raisin bran = yummy)
[Last person you talked to on the phone] The pharmacy answering machine

[Do drugs?] no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] why not?
[Remember your first love?] I guess this would be Scott Colton AKA Alien Head
[Still love him/her?] (it) fuck that asshole!
[Read the newspaper?] the New York Times online, bitch!
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] sure....I have black friends too.
[Believe in miracles?] only when Della Reese is around
[Do well in school?] what are you gonna do.
[Wear hats] I guess. this really an important thing to know about a person?
[Hate yourself?] Hate is a very strong word, but I extremely disklike myself sometimes.
[Have an obsession?] ER reruns. I'm really embarrassed about it actually...but, I fucking tape it, you guys. I tape TNT reruns of ER and then I watch them. There, I've said it.
[Have a secret crush?] nope
[Collect anything?] lots of crap
[Have a best friend?] a few
[Close friends?] a handful
[Like your handwriting?] it's crap.
[Care about looks] Like, my own or other peoples? You're fugly, survey!!

[First crush] Kevin Walcott
[First kiss] Travis Saban
[Single or attached?] very attached
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] I believe there can be a certain engery between two folks at first site that could eventually develop into love
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I belieeeeve in life after love, after love, after love"
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] no,'re realy pissing me off survey
[Are you a tease?] yep, a total cock-tease, since you asked
[Shy to make the first move?] not with all my cock-teasing and shit.

ARE U A...
[Wuss] totally
[Druggy] no, and like I'd tell you anyway
[Daydreamer] totally
[Freak] yes
[Dork] oh yes.
[Bitch/Asshole] I'm more of an asshole, but thanks for the gendered options
[Sarcastic] to an annoying point
[Angel] is fucking sweet and I'm totally going to buy season 5 when I get paid.
[Devil] right there, on the tip of my shoe
[Shy] painfully so
[Talkative] with certain people
[Flirty] *bats eyelashes* *giggles* tee hee

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